Once you have finished adding items to your Shopping Bag, simply click the “Check Out” button on the Shopping Bag page and we will guide you through the check out process.

The fulfilment address is your shipping address.

Currently we only ship within the geographical location of INDIA

Currently we accept the Credit & Debit Cards for payment methods

Our site uses a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to encrypt all personal information sent during the check out process. For more information on how we secure and use your information, please consult our Privacy Policy.

We highly recommend that you browse with the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari.

Yes it is.

You can review the status and other information of all your orders, whether pending or fulfilled, that you have placed. To check the status of your pending orders, click on the “My Account” link in the top of any page on our store. This will take you to your My Account page, where you can click on the “My Orders” link to view the status of all orders.
To view the status of a specific order, click on the “Order Number”. After your order is shipped out from our warehouse, we will send you a mail with the shipping details.Shipping and handling rates.

The 3D Secure password is implemented by VISA and MasterCard in partnership with card issuing banks under the “Verified by VISA” and “MasterCard Secure Code” services, respectively.
The 3D Secure password adds an additional layer of security through identity verification for your online credit/debit card transactions. This password, which is created by you, is known only to you. This ensures that only you can use your card for online purchases.

All deliveries are made between 10.00am and 5.00 pm on working days, and in the event that a delivery cannot be made on the estimated delivery date, due to no one being available at the shipping address, and attempt delivery again the next working daya) Our shipping company will leave a message and attempt again. We urge you to plan and coordinate the purchase in a manner that someone is available to accept the shipment at the provided delivery address.

We currently offer FREE SHIPPING for ALL ORDERS. There are no charges for delivery, or for any other charges like octroi etc, where these are applicable.

You can check your order status on our website.

If you realize that the package is damaged before accepting the delivery, please do not accept the delivery and immediately inform us. If you have accepted the delivery, and then realized that the package is damaged, please feel free to get in touch with us within 15 days of receiving the package.

We can help you retrieve your password if you click on the “forgot password?” link on the Login page, and enter your email ID registered with us. We will email instructions to reset your password to the email ID provided.

Shopping on Ultra Soft Toys is really easy. Visit our website which has lots of options. You can put the items in your shopping cart by clicking Add to the cart. Then you can click on the shopping cart on the right top of the screen then select the address of the mode you like to pay.

Any information that you share with us is kept private and confidential. At no point we will share, rent or sell your personal information without your consent, except as required by law or to fulfil an order contract with you.